(photos from Kari Herer Photography)
St. Paul's Cathedral - taken while on tour bus!
Buckingham Palace - The Queen wasn't in, apparently she's in Scotland at the moment
Inside the British Museum
The Windsor day trip, Windsor Castle
changing of the Guards at Windsor Castle
outfit photos to follow :)
if you are in the mood for a Fashion post, check out my guest post at Simply Hue
(photos by me)
(photos by Anna Aden)
{all from Net-a-porter.com}
I'm off to London to do some site seeing with my uncles family, which is quite exciting as even though my home is 40 mins from London, I have never done a proper tour!How to Enter? Anyone who leaves a comment on any post during the next 7 days is automatically entered in the draw, starting with this post and ending Saturday the 1st of August at 10am GMT. The winner will be revealed later that day.
Rules: only leave one comment per post please, meaningless comments will also be discarded. To pick the winner, I will first use randome.org to generate a number between 1 to 7 (7 posts a week) and then pick a randome comment within that post. So to maximise your chances you can reply to every post, don't want to miss a post? follow this blog via Blogger, Reader or Bloglovin & these technology will remind you!
Now to last week's winner... Congratulation to Post 2 Comment 18, that's you jayne!! I will contact you shortly for delivery address :)
Have a wonderful weekend! I'm going home (near London) for a week and will probably be doing a lot of sightseeing next week as my uncle's family is visiting the UK from Canada!